It’s My SITS Day!

Go Diva, it’s your SITS Day!

Go Diva, it’s your SITS Day!
And yes, I’m doing the cabbage patch as I sing this…
Welcome to my blog! It’s my SITS Day, and I couldn’t be more excited! For those who don’t know, SITS is a support network for women who love to blog. If you haven’t checked it out, make sure you do.
Here’s me in a nutshell: I’m the wife of an absolute sweetie, mom to a sassy girl, and a career woman. Some days, though, I just feel like a mess. I started this blog to keep track of it all. Plus, I love to write, so this is a good way for me to keep in touch with me, if you know what I mean.
Here are a few of my favorite posts, but feel free to poke around. Enjoy!

188 thoughts on “It’s My SITS Day!

  1. As you can see, I'm really quite behind with my SITS visits, but have kept all the recent emails from SITS to make sure that once life got a little less crazy, I could come around and extend my CONGRATULATIONS and get to meet all the featured bloggers that I missed in the last month. So, Congratulations. Looks like your SITS day was a big success. I hope it brought you a lot of new followers and friends. I'm looking forward to reading your posts. Warmest wishes, Jenn

  2. I love that the layout of your blog is so simple. The intern story made me smile and grimace in equal measure and you are quite right about your body being exposed once you have a baby! Hope that you enjoyed your SITS day and that you and the family are having a great week! x

  3. Happy SITS day! Love your idea of 5 minutes at a time. I may have to try that. I've felt similar lately…getting lost in the craziness of life. Good luck!

  4. happy SITS day! That's so exciting for you. I think it's awesome that you're trying to improve your writing and spend more time fostering a talent. I'm a writer too, and I know it's not always easy to make the time, especially when kids are involved. Keep up the great work!

  5. Im a day late but congrats on your SiTs day! Your daughters nurses hat was adorable and it was great that you noticed it and spent time with her. It probably made her feel great that you had such an interest in her school stuff. 🙂

  6. Happy SITS day! Love the nurses hat. Don't worry about how long it was sitting there, the important part is that you found it and asked your daughter all about it.

  7. Happy SITS day. I love your post about the missing underwear.I don't have a record of losing undies – but I do have a terrible record about DOING laundry. I hate doing laundry.

  8. first of all, how beautiful are you and your family???!!! i LOVE great writers and you are definitely one of them. i'm adding you to my blogroll on my site! keep up the awesome work!happy sits day!!

  9. Happy SITS day and all that good stuff!My mom had a stoke a few years back when she was only 57, so I can really relate to your "inspiring woman" post. Great post!

  10. Happy SITS Day, and bless your mixed-up mama post! I know I have weeks like that, but you set the bar nicely so that I can laugh at my rough patches that do not involve mixed up flight plans, LOL!

  11. Congrats on your SITS Day! This mixed-up mama can relate to that post. There are those days and weeks where things never go quite right but you get through them and then laugh about it at the end of the week. Enjoy today!

  12. Congrats on your SITS day!!! I dig your style & appreciate your honesty. Just as they say, " never trust a skinny chef," I'd also say the same goes for moms and career women who claim to have it under-control 100% of the time. Like you, some days I'm a mess, and that's okay. I'm looking forward to reading your posts… Best, Jenn

  13. Happy SITS Day 🙂 Really loved your tribute to your mom during the Back2Blogging Challenge. You're a really good writer and I'm thrilled to have found your blog. Keep up the great work! (Your avid fans will benefit :-)Amanda BroadfootLife is a Spectrumwww.AmandaBroadfoot.comLatest post: "Debby Downer gets down to some serious hating"

  14. I think we all feel like a giant mess sometimes. You aren't alone, sister. But isn't it wonderful that blogging connects so many women (and mothers) so that we actually KNOW we aren't alone? What a wonderful, effective form of therapy. Perhaps we can all find the ever elusive BALANCE if we help one another…

  15. Congratulations on your SITS day! Just read your post about your pumping experience and an unwelcome intern. As a teacher, I was always SCARED TO DEATH that my male principal would walk in while I was pumping. Off to discover more!!

  16. Congrats on your SITS day! I love your five-minute idea. As a full-time SAHM who used to be a full time WAHM, the concept is just as applicable for me. My day is so chopped up and I can rarely ever finish anything I start at the first sitting so maybe if I redirect my effort to finishing 5 minutes, I'll feel more accomplished and less frustrated. Thanks for a great idea.

  17. I love that you love to write! Those are the kinds of blogs I love to read! Congrats on your SITS day!!!I am following now and look forward to commenting on future posts. Stop by if you get a chance!!!

  18. HaPpY hApPy!! Hope your sits day is great! What fun stories. I love the nurses hat and it really makes me feel so much better about not always seeing the forest for the trees :)Have a beautiful day!

  19. Happy SITS day! Hope you have a great day filled with blessings. And I love how you describe your family — a sweetie and a sassy girl. 🙂 Off to read more. Blessings.

  20. I love that your sidebars are simple. Since I’ve viewed thousands of blogs, I’ve often wondered if my sidebars were to plain…like the mousey brown junior high girl when all her friends were getting a perm!But, secretly I like being simple and mousey. Oh I have other’s buttons tucked away in a neat little page tagged FAVORITES! And I adore scannning the glittering sites of others plastered like the back windsheild of a hippie van! But as for me, I like my coffee black, my donuts plain, and my sidebars simple!Happy SITS! (I can't wait for day…I'm green with envy!)

  21. Congratulations on your SITS day! I'm a fellow SITS blogger, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend….I could go on and on. I, too, find it difficult to maintain balance, but I won't give up!

  22. Have a wonderful SITS day!!!I'm glad you've found a place to write. And of course a wonderful group of girls to share it with!Oh and thank you for bringing the cabbage patch back. Also you should try the butterfly.

  23. Happy SITS day! I started blogging as an outlet for the writing that went on in my head, but never seemed to make it onto the paper. Would like to follow you; did I miss your followers link? Best,Colleen

  24. Congratulations on your SITS day! From one mixed up mama to another, you're doing a great job on your blog. I love your openness and honesty – that's what's great about blogging, you can totally be yourself. Hope you have a very memorable SITS day.Peace,Michelle at 😉

  25. I loved my visit to your blog. It's so simple and relaxing and quiet….such a nice corner of the blog world.I'm also a working mommy of a little gal and love to find other mothers who I can connect with.Happy SITS day!

  26. That is the shortest, most concise and clear SITS Day into EVER! And I LOVE that you are doing the cabbage patch. About to check out your posts!Happy SITS Day, Happy SITS Day! (I'm doing the running man.)

  27. FYI, I totally bobbed my head when I read the first two lines of your post. And almost did the cabbage patch, too. I hope you have a wonderful SITS day! I look forward to following and reading all about your life! 😀

  28. Congrats today! I love your post about the best hour of the day. So true that the moments that matter are the ones that we can be fully engaged with our kiddos!

  29. Happy SITS day 😀 I read the missing laundry post, and the one about the rude intern who saw too much, I am sorry that happened to you, but know what you mean about the whole after getting pregnant modesty seems to go out the window.

  30. ¡Muchas felicidades! Yes, congrats on your Sits day!!!! Love meeting fellow writers like myself that use this oportunity to use blog as a way of connecting with their writing. Is so exiting! Keep on it and will browse around. Whats your favorite genre to write about?Lots of love!

  31. Happy SITS Day… I said it on Roll Call and I'll say it here… I LOVE your blog header… so simple and pretty. I, too, find myself trying to balance work and children, as I'm working FT out of the house for the first time since giving birth this year!

  32. Happy SITS day!It's my first time here, so I'll have a nosey around. Hope you have a great day and get lots of visitors.I'm trying to focus more on my writing and improve it, so it's great to read someone who is comfortable in the way they write.Have a lovely day,Jade

  33. Congrats on your SITS day. I love your 5 minute blogs. I'll have to go back and read all of them. It sounds like just what I need to help me get through my days.

  34. Happy SitsDay to you! Your daughter is adorable and… as long as you stop to smell the roses, wear the Nurse's cap or just hang out in PJ's watching reruns of Sponge Bob or iCarly… your the BEST Mom in the world! At least until she's 11, then you will be an embarrassment to be tolerated until such time as she can move away from you… or she actually realizes you DO know what you're talking about… yeah, enjoy the time you have while you can! Enjoyed your blog and will be back!

  35. Hooray for your SITS day! It's such a fun day, i hope you enjoy it immensely!!Loved your post on you brother and your 12 yr. age difference. I can't imagine having such a big gap. I have 2, they're 15 mos. apart. And sometimes I think I need one more, 'cause two seems such a small number.And I had to laugh at your mixed up mama post. What a crazy week. Glad you survived that.

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